Why I Love FaceBook and how that has anything to do with dogs!

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I love FB! I don’t post pictures of my meals, vacations or spats with friend/s that don’t share my same political views. I don’t air the drama in my life ( I believe we surely all have a little drama, I just believe it should remain private among the parties concerned while they try to work it out or decide to part company)

I use FB for sharing knowledge of all things DOG.

I usually post a dog funny or two and sometimes tag friends that it may pertain to. So there is the entertainment value in Dog Funnies and the occasional Cat Funny.

I post dog events from the East Africa Kennel Club & German Shepherd Dog League Shows and all the KSPCA events from fundraising events to the annual Shaggy Dog Show.

I advertise the training put on at the EAKC run by the Labrador Retriever Club of Kenya. It’s been running for years and is the best value ever for socialization and training www.EastAfricaKennelClub.com look for the Lab Club link.

I post dogs for rehoming, I have found homes for many dogs from my FB posts. Matter of fact 3 of my rehomes this month are from FB. I do a follow up house check for any dog I re home, as well as help to transition the dog to a new home and family situation as much as possible. Its not posting “free dog” and sending it on its way!

I post dogs lost or found on FB. If dogs are found by friends, reported by vets or security companies or KSPCA and they are fairly sure it’s an owned dog I will post as much info as I have. Last weekend a vet called me to report a dog brought in found and clearly an owned dog. I was tagged in a post about a lost dog and sure enough it was the same dog! I told the family where the dog was and it was home with the family the next morning.

I post training and behavior articles; some of which I write. I mostly write about my experiences with dogs here in Kenya. I never copy/paste and pass off the work of famous or Ph. D. ed trainers as my own work as I have seen others do. If I share a great article by another trainer I always make sure it goes with their link or website so people are aware of the trainer and may find more books, links or info from the great positive trainers of our day!

And the VERY BEST part of FB is still seeing “my” dogs all over the world,  when they have left Kenya. I have dogs in Addis, Katmandu, Germany, the US, Abidjan,  Mexico, Switzerland, Oman …it’s an endless list!  What I love,  really love is seeing dogs from Kenya in the snow for the first time, it’s priceless.

Friend me or Follow me on FB to stay in touch!


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