Bringing Your New Puppy Home, Part 3

Bringing Your New Puppy Home, Part 3
Puppies commonly suffer from car sickness until all their senses are fully developed. They will usually outgrow car sickness, but just in case, you should take an old towel, paper towels and a plastic bag along with some water in case. The towel can be used to protect the car interior and your clothes. Some possible signs of impending vomiting are whining, lip licking, drooling and standing up looking uncomfortable.
Immediately upon arriving home, your puppy should be taken out to a spot in the yard that your prefer as the toilet area, place your puppy on the ground. Watch your puppy but ignore him. Quietly give your puppy his command for using the bathroom. This command does not have to be scatological or gross. It can be something like ‘get busy’, ‘hurry up’ or ‘take a break’. A soon as your puppy does his business, then praise, praise, praise! Then you can play with your new puppy. Set your phone alarm or a kitchen timer to remind you to take your pup out on a schedule. During the time you are housetraining, you want to manage and prevent accidents at the same time you teach your puppy to do his business outside.
While you are enjoying playing with your new puppy, keep in mind that he needs to be comfortable being handled. You should open his mouth and look at his teeth, lift his ears and look at the inside of his ears. Handle his paws, toenails and tail. If you intend to show your male pup he should get used to having his testicles touched as the judge will check to see he has both. Dog friendly friends can be asked to touch your pup gently to get them used to being touched by others.
It’s natural to want to show off your new puppy, but please refrain from having all your friends over to see the new puppy in the first days. Invite your friends over slowly and do not let your puppy get overwhelmed by children chasing and hugging. If your pup moves away from the activity by himself, let him rest and relax away from your visitors.
Within 24-36 hours of your pup’s arrival you should get him into your chosen Vet for a baseline exam and to check that your pup’s vaccinations have been given in the correct time frame. This is the time to discuss worming schedule, flea and tick prevention, feeding, follow up vaccinations and dog license. Take a few yummy treats to the Vets to give your pup while waiting, on the exam table and also have the Vet or attendant give him a treat to reinforce that the Vet visit is a good thing.